When the earthquake hit Cebu with intensity 7 magnitude at around 8 that fateful Tuesday morning, it was the longest minute anyone has ever experienced.  And it was followed by the longest period of aftershocks.  Two weeks later, we still feel the earth rumble.  We adopted, and the tremors feel less and less terrifying.  Everyone agrees that the first thing to grab is one’s cellphone. Our lives have now been reduced to that little device — in my case, and I imagine most of you too, photos share its memory with bank information and passport copies.  Really, what can one grab on the way out when the earth moves?  The fatalistic attitude seem to say — it’s ok I’m sure I can find my Rolex in the rubble.  Or the shoe collection would survive in the closet.  Still, when the earth moves, one’s possessions loses its relevance, irregardless of how much one treasured that Baldemor print or the Imari plates.