In between sunny skies and darkly threatening storms, the social weekend forecast for the queen city was anything but boring. Mid-week came the news of designer Sal Malto’s tragic death from aneurysm, but this did not stop wags to viciously buzz if it was an Alexander Mcqueen, or a Heath Ledger? Or it could simply just be a classic case of how the good die young…The dead certainly can’t verify or defend himself. We bid adieu to another productive life cut short, to Sal and Amy, sleep well…

The weekend started with the Bastille Day celebration at the Marco Polo’s ballroom, where Michel and Amparito Lhuillier did not pull any stop to a spread that could rival Versailles’ – oysters flown in from Canada, Pomerol to last the night and cheese spreads worth their weight in gold. Queen of the night was the host’s sister playing it cool while three exes hover around.

The following day brought another high profile wedding where the groom was seen with a champagne flute the whole time (hmmm Moet? or cava?), fun times for the bedecked friends who partied from 1 pm to 1 am. The thousand or more guests included the presidential sister and her husband whose flight to Cebu was quite exciting, when two passengers on the plane certainly picked the wrong guy to terrorize, so deportation it is for the idiots.

Sunday came with all the hang-overs and more titillating scandals including a couple and her best friend, but that’s for us to know and for you to never find out…