Vitamin E
In A Cebu Minute

In A Cebu Minute

When the earthquake hit Cebu with intensity 7 magnitude at around 8 that fateful Tuesday morning, it was the longest minute anyone has ever experienced.


I like the sound of that. Newscasters in CNN and BBC use that a lot, and lately, I’ve been finding myself using that word. Traction. Binay never gained traction in Zamboanga, something like that. I have to say, Mar Roxas never gained traction with me either.
Social Network Climber

Social Network Climber

I’m a latecomer to social media, although I do remember signing up on Twitter when Anderson Cooper and Ashton Kutcher told me to do so a few years ago. Anderson because I totally was with him on lambasting Sarah Palin, and Ashton because he is cute and like(d) older women. My Twitter account went on...
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